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APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. Thank you for your interest!

Application Period: June 1, 2017 -July 31, 2017


North Carolina Native Leadership Institute

The North Carolina Native Leadership Institute (NLI) is a culturally tailored leadership training offered by the UNC American Indian Center. The NLI is implemented in two-year cycles across three intense trainings for current and emerging Native leaders. American Indian individuals are selected who are interested in sharpening their leadership skills, expanding their networks, and fostering unity across Tribes and Indian communities. The NLI is firmly grounded in the belief that tribal diversity across each of these areas is critical to building assets in Native Nations and reducing disparities across American Indian communities at the local, regional, and statewide levels. Participants will receive a certificate from the American Indian Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill upon completion of the program.

The NLI Curriculum focuses on developing the following competencies:

(1) Understanding Role and Responsibility;

(2) Understanding Partnerships, Finance and Programming; and

(3) Understanding Civic Engagement and Strategic Planning.

Each of these content areas are explored through the building blocks of the NLI which are cohort building, skill building, knowledge building, and network building.


Important Dates:

 June 1: Online Application Period Begins (The NLI has a competitive application process that accepts up to 18 participants.)

July 31: Application Period Closes

August 14: 2017 NLI Cohort Participants Selected and Announced


Meeting Schedule:

Gathering 1

October 4-6, 2017

Chapel Hill, NC

Gathering 2

January 17-19, 2018

Raleigh, NC

Gathering 3

April 4-6, 2018

Chapel Hill, NC


Applicants must:

·Be an American Indian who resides in North Carolina and is a member of a state or federal tribe

·Serve in a leadership capacity in a tribal community, organization or has worked/is working with Native populations

·Be at least 21 years of age when applying

·Be able to commit to participating in all three sessions of the NLI



·Selected participants will receive a paid scholarship that covers the cost of training materials, food, travel and lodging for each gathering

·The AIC can provide a letter of support for participants who will use approved paid professional development time with their employer

·Certificate received upon completion of the NLI from the American Indian Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

·Culturally tailored leadership development for American Indians in the state


For questions about NLI  or the application, contact:

Christina Theodorou

NC Native Asset Coalition Community Engagement Coordinator

UNC American Indian Center

(919) 962-5528


Click here to download the NLI Flyer 2017!

NLI Flyer 2 2017 Final_jpeg

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