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The American Indian Center is pleased to share with you a calendar of events for American Indian Heritage Month! The month-long celebration will include lectures, cultural activities and discussions, film viewings, special foods and more, both on and off campus!

Featured Event!

On Thursday, Nov. 6, Dr. Robbie Ethridge will serve as the 2014 speaker for the Annual Michael D. Green Lecture in American Indian Studies. The title of her lecture is, “When Giants Walked the Earth: Chief Tascaluza and Southeastern Indian Leadership in the Ancient South.” You are invited to join the American Indian Center and American Studies for great food, information and conversation! There will be a reception at 4:30pm, followed by the lecture at 5:00pm in Alumni Hall III at the Carolina Club in the George W. Hill Alumni Center.For directions to the lecture and parking information, click here.


See the calendar below for a complete listing of events! All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.

AIHM Calendar Flyer_FINAL 2014-2


AIHM Calendar Flyer_FINAL 2014-1







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